Sunday, August 23, 2009

And so it ends

What can I say? We've all achieved something in the last 2 weeks. For me, this is the first thing I've done that I can look to and say "Not many people can claim to have done that". I've thoroughly enjoyed it, and would recommend it to anybody who is reasonably fit and doesn't mind getting thoroughly soaked now and again. Thanks to two great friends who were with me, another who was almost with us, my wife who coped with a teething 1 year old on her own for 2 weeks, my family, and to everybody's comments on the blog, texts and calls that really helped us on our way. Looking forward to a week of doing naff all next week. Cheers all. Gareth.


  1. We're very very proud of you guys. An amazing achievement for three lads in their twenties, but especially so for three old bastards like yourselves! You thoroughly deserve your big piss-up tonight. The MND Association will do well as a result of your efforts and Tom and I are so touched at the gesture, as was Mum when she learnt you would be doing it in her honour.
    Have one for us and see you in a couple of days for some more. Safe trip back and WELL DONE!!!!!

  2. Will miss the blogs, but really chuffed with your achievement, and your still friends!! Thats an achievement in itself!! Well done all of you. L O L Mum V
